Michael D., RU
'Every friday I have a little go on the slots on 888 and usually come away good with a small profit, this time I decided to play a different game for a change... Being Friday the 13th I picked 'Niare on Elm Street', as soon as I clicked on at my dinner break at work, within minutes it came up that I had won the jackpot. I told my work colleague that I had just won £12,000 with disbelief and shaking with excitement; it made me feel that sick I couldn't finish my sausage and egg sandwich. I am visiting Poland next month with my partner for my friend’s wedding which i was struggling to pay for, plus i planned Disneyland for my 4 year old daughter in October for our first holiday, last year she sadly couldn't go due to having chicken pox so I promised I would make it special.. Which now I can even more so with my winnings. '
13 May 2016; £12.000Helen M., Canada
“Surely I was very excited when I won and didn't believe at first it happened so it took some time to register....I have been playing online with this site for a long time and first time I won a jackpot that high.... truly I play almost every night and I enjoy the site I'll be able to pay some bills now and have more freedom to keep playing. Thank you. “
5 May 2016; $10.894,74Simon W., UK
Thanks! Yeah it was great to win the jackpot, I've been playing that game for quite a while but I never thought I was going to win so much in one day! I think I'll probably go on holiday to celebrate, not sure what I'm going to do with the rest! Also let me know if you have any more events coming up, that trip to Oktoberfest last year was amazing!
1 May 2016; £50.918,80