The online casino gaming is rather a recent phenomenon. It started in 1990s, and then dominated the entire world in no time. In fact, its meteoric growth turned it into a billion-dollar industry and attracted thousands of professional players grandly; if I say, it has some majestic benefits that keep pushing the players to come back, over and over, it would be right… Now, let’s discuss some of the online casinos’ benefits and analyze what, in reality, facilitates them to build that amazing and profitable business. The following list is created as an objective assessment of the pros and traps of online casinos. In order to help you get the most out of your game and money.
For more info about playing roulette, read: Online roulette, bots and RNG.

The Benefits
- Just play. Don’t want to risk money? No problem. Unlike the actual casino, you can test the game and your luck. There isn’t any obligation to put your money at risk in every game. Probably, that’s why, various professional players prefer playing it online rather than risking their money on every move. Other than that, various websites have a free version of the game as well, that allows the players to comprehend every detail, so that they can invest with safe hands and secured hearts. Furthermore, the beginners can experience the atmosphere of a real live casino and see the different facets of it.
- There is a computerized reliable system that secures your data 24/7; you don’t have to worry, in case there is a power failure or your computer halts its processing. The developers of the software and online-casino websites make sure they’re recording your history, so that it stays available on your request. You can judge your previous investments, moves, games, contacts, and etc. If there is someone on your back who is constantly counting, even your breaths, you can’t ask for more. For some players, it’s one of the greatest benefits, which is not available in the actual casino. It splendidly helps them to judge and learn from their mistakes.
- Flexibility. It’s not just a 2-hour fun; you can relish the game according to your timings. It doesn’t matter whether you’re spending 2 hours on it, or 24 hours. It’s all in your hands. Besides, in case the computer screen envelopes your eyes with smoke and make you tired, you can take a break, move away from the computer, and engage with something else. Everything is in your hands; even the distractions won’t, actually, be the distractions. The pathological online-gamblers enjoy online casinos as a leisure activity; they perceive they can make a great cup of coffee, do their office work, or go to the restroom, without any problem. All they need is just one click, and the game will begin again – which is impossible in the offline casinos.
- Availability. Feeling lucky today? This exact moment maybe? That’s great. You can play your favorite casino games right now, and check your luck; you don’t have to do any special planning, and you don’t have to arrange the timings either. The games you love are always there – just a few clicks away. There won’t be any hassles, or waiting lines; you don’t have to spend on the travel expenses either, or dampen the lucky spirit… Just log in, and call the shots, at this moment, from the comfort of your own room, and see how the luck exposes itself.
- Privacy. In the online casinos, you don’t need to reveal personal identification, especially after winning, or for withdrawing the amount. Unlike the land-based casinos, most websites don’t need your ID or personal information. Furthermore, they don’t impel you either to fill, or submit, some form in order to relish the game. You’re free to place bets and play according to your will. There won’t be any kind of special pressure on you that can obligate you to stay away from the game. However, bear in mind that you’ve to play the game according to the rules of the house; don’t ever ponder deceiving them. Otherwise, you can lose your money, even the amount you’ve deposited for the future games.
- More options. Lastly, and most importantly, the best part of online casino is that you can have with your family, or the group of friends, while partying. Just call everyone, get drinks, turn on the music, and have fun. The entire atmosphere would make you feel that you’re breathing in the land-based casino. Besides, you can give each other some winning tips, or ask friends for help, in case you feel that you’re struggling in the game. On the whole, it all depends on your imagination; if you’ve the limitless, and creative, imagination, you can turn your computer into a lavish Las Vegas table, and have more fun than your expectations.
Now, of course, there are various benefits, like above, which lead players to professional online casinos, however, the issue is, online casinos have some disadvantages as well that can push a person into the disillusionment. That’s why, it’s better to have some rough idea regarding the disadvantages, so that you can play at the best levels, without any hurdles. Therefore, below, I’ve a significant list of disadvantages too, that would clear perceptions more, regarding online casinos, and facilitate you in making the right decisions…
The Disadvantages
- Loneliness. There is no social interaction. Mostly it is just you and a computer screen. Once you become addicted, you prefer spending time in your home rather than spending some fun moments with your friend.
- Out of service. During the peak hours, and the peak season, the players often face “System Down” messages. Though, it’s the issue of the developers, but sometimes it destroys the mood. However, these days, the professional online casinos are trying their best to handle this issue, as they don’t want their players to prefer their competitors over them.
- Software madness. Different games require different software; this could be the real headache in the long run. It appears easy, when you are relishing just one game, but when you try to taste the different games, you’ve to tackle with different software, or plug-in.
- Player beware. In this fast growing industry, there are various fake websites too. When it comes to the land-based casinos, you can have instant reviews from your friends, and etc. But, when it comes to online, you’ve to be a tad more cautious, and you, of course, don’t want to put your money in the hands of the fraudster, or become the victim of manipulation.
- Random – really? Though, there are some fake online casinos, but there are some credible casinos which are designed to make you lose money, at all cost. In the long run, you always see the empty bank accounts. Thus, it’s necessary to do a proper investigation, and see reviews, especially if it’s your first time, and trying some new casino on your own.
- The small print. Most players don’t read the rules before investing their luck, which sometimes become the problem. For that reason, the experts recommend the novices to try just one professional online gambling site, and perceive its rules well, before moving onto the next one immediately. The same advice goes with the type of game as well.
- Define yourself. Though, most casinos don’t do that, but some casinos ask for the documents, in case you win big time. This could take some time, and sometimes it is frustrating as well.
- Constant change. The way-of-playing of the land-based casinos usually, stays the same; there is hardly any change. On the other hand, the advanced technology impels the developers, to introduce fresh and next-level changes constantly in order to give the users top-notch experience, and compete with other thousands of websites. Since, the land-based casinos compete with just 5-6 casinos, whereas the online-casinos compete with thousands of websites (competitors). And, this fierce competition not only adds anxiety in their veins, but also compels their users to understand the fresh changes, 24/7.
- Law limitations. The law of your state also plays a significant role. If your state doesn’t allow gambling, you can go to Vegas, and relish some gambling time there. But, if you’re online, you can’t go against the laws of your state. Otherwise, depositing or withdrawing could a real pain. And, besides, you could face some charges as well from the law enforcers.
- It’s you against the machine. A genuine land-based gambler can somehow perceive the patterns and moods of the casinos and games for winning jackpots, but the online casinos don’t offer this opportunity. It’s not possible at all to read the patterns or the mood of the game.
- Psychological tricks. There are some games that don’t give you enough time to ponder enough about your moves; you’ve to play instantly, which sometimes becomes immensely risky.
Always play responsibly with money you can afford to loose.
References: European Gaming and Betting Association, Gaming Standards Association