A.P Heat

Conspicuously Absent: Pai Gow Poker

For years I have looked at the popular game of Pai Gow Poker (PGP) and scratched my head. How can it be beat? For example, hole-cards are often exposed by sloppy dealers, but seeing one (or even a couple) of dealer hole-cards does little to help the advantage player.

The Future of Edge Sorting

There have now been three court decisions (and two appeals) in three distinct jurisdictions regarding the question of whether edge sorting at mini-baccarat is advantage play. In every case the decision came down on the side of the casino without a determination of criminal cheating.

Collusion, 101

Sometimes I feel like I walk around with blinders on. Such is the case with the advantage play method known as collusion. This method simply means that players share information about their hands with each other. The needle always moves towards the player’s side when information can be used to improve a strategic decision. This has long been known to be the case in blackjack.

Phil Ivey Won 7.8 Million Pounds by Edge Sorting Baccarat

Thefactssurrounding Phil Ivey's remarkable win at baccarat at Crockfords Casino in Mayfair, and the subsequent refusal of Crockfordsto pay his winnings, has been an open secret in the game protection community over the last8 months. Finally, the secret is out and we can talk about it: Phil Ivey did, in fact, use edge sorting to beat their baccarat. Here is the story in the U.K. Daily Mail: