A.P Heat

Survey of Approved Table Games, by State

This post is a question waiting for an answer: "State-by-State, which casino table games are approved for use?" I spent the morning scouring gaming commission websites searching for lists of approved games. I was frustrated by the difficulty in finding this information.

Crazy 4 Poker Goof

Crazy 4 Poker (C4P) is one of the more popular poker variants. As I discussed in this post, it is extraordinarily tough for a hole-card player to get an edge. That doesn't mean an edge is impossible.

Comments on Ultimate Texas Hold'em Hole-Card Play

Yesterday I received a request to analyze Ultimate Texas Hold'em (UTH). This isn't the first time I've had this particular request. I wrote the code to analyze UTH a couple of years ago when an online casino company asked me to independently verify the house edge. To say that this is a big game is an understatement. For practical use, running a cycle is only the first step.

Caribbean Stud Collusion

Caribbean Stud (CS) is virtually extinct in Nevada. Likewise throughout the U.S. it is rapidly disappearing, giving way to a wealth of alternative poker-style games. The main problems with CS are its very high house edge (5.224% with perfect strategy) and high fold percentage (47.77%).