Understand the Roulette Wheel Numbers: 10 Secrets Revealed
he hidden logic of the American and European roulette wheel layouts. Types of pockets, effect on game play. Construction and Trustworthiness. Bets.
How Does Roulette Work: Rules, Odds and Payouts
The absolute guide how to play roulette for beginners. Rules, bets, odds and payouts. Written by true experts.
Win at Roulette: The Romanosky Roulette Strategy
One of the most easy to use strategies that can actually produce wins at the roulette tables. These bets can increase your odds of winning considerably.
Simply the Best Roulette System for Dozens or Columns
The best roulette system for dozens or columns. Thoroughly tested, easy to implement and profitable. Full description with examples.
Evolution gaming live roulette and casino critical review
Is Evolution truly the best live roulette and casino platform? What are its shortcomings? Find out in this highly critical and honest review.
The Kavouras bet roulette strategy
A truly original, winning roulette strategy. A secret roulette system based on a unique bet selection and progression.
How 7 Ingenious Cheaters Beat the Casinos
he say that the only way to win at the casino is to steal money from the table. These famous tricksters found some pretty amazing ways to do it.
The secrets of Immersive live roulette (Evolution gaming)
Everything you need to know about Immersive roulette by Evolution gaming. Pros, cons, trustworthiness, useful tips and secrets.
All Posts By Roulette 30
Everything you wanted to know about Roulette 30 and were afraid to ask. Plus contact details and a mission statement.
Online Roulette, Bots and RNG
How online roulette works, the reliability and fairness of random number generators and the use of online betting bots.
Roulette Analysis and Statistics: Five (5) Numbers Bet
Roulette neighbors bet, probability to win, probability vs expectation, analysis, statistics.
Roulette Expectation vs Probability
Explaining the often missed difference between Probability and Expectation in gambling and roulette.
About Roulette Stop Loss
What is a stop loss? When and how should be applied? Don't let them take all your money.
Casino Baden Baden and Dostoevsky
Everything about the famous Casino of Baden-Baden, Germany. Map, photos, review and Dostoyevski's diary notes.
Roulette player vs Math professor (a dialog)
Unique debate about probabilities between an expert gambler and a math professor. Definitely a great read.