Many video poker players – especially casual video poker players are not at all concerned about spicing up their play. They get all the fun and excitement they need by simply playing the game in the casino

This article is directed at regular and frequent video poker players. Those players who play video poker a few times a year or more often, for several hours at a time, end up playing tens or scores of thousands of hands a month.

Those who play at this level can start to develop a sort of relationship with video poker play. Anything that takes up such a large portion on someone’s life can easily become part of a comfortable routine.

The key word is “routine.” No matter how much enjoyment there is initially, after a while almost anything can become stale. While certainly not at the same level, it can become like a marriage. It is exciting at first, but after years with hundreds and thousands of interactions can it lose its luster. The relationship needs something to spice it up when it comes to how to play video poker.

This article offers suggestions to help spice up video poker player’s routine and keep it fresh.


  1. The normal routine for serious video poker players
  2. The downside of “routine” video poker play
  3. How to keep video poker play fresh and exciting
  4. Summary

The normal routine for serious video poker players

Serious video poker players have a very different approach to casino games. Rather than just plunking themselves down at the closest video poker game, they scout the casino for the game with the lowest house edge.

They can tell with a glance at the game’s pay table. They have previously done research and know which games and pay tables are available. They have chosen one or more game(s)/pay table(s) they like and learned the proper video poker strategy for those they will play. They have practiced the strategy or strategies until they can successfully play it or them correctly. 

They go to casinos several times a year and play for several hours each time they visit. They log scores (or hundreds) of thousands of hands played each year. They are happy when they win, but they expect to do well each time they visit.

In short, the entire casino routine is very different from the average gambler. With so much time and effort expended, the excitement gradually turns lukewarm and eventually becomes routine.

For further reading, check out 888casino's how to win at slots guide. 

The downside of 'routine' video poker play

The allure of casino gambling for most people is the excitement generated by the unfamiliar casino atmosphere; the unfamiliar eating, drinking, and sleeping patterns; and the possibility of suddenly becoming flush with cash. 

However, the more time players spend playing in the casino:

  • The less unfamiliar the atmosphere becomes. 
  • The less unfamiliar the eating, drinking, and sleeping patterns become.
  • The more the patterns of winning and losing become routine.

In short, the entire experience becomes quite familiar. While the old saying that familiarity breeds contempt may go a bit too far, it is close to what ultimately happens.

When the experience becomes too familiar for players, their focus and concentration can be reduced. This jeopardizes efficient play – and therefore the return from their efforts.

How to keep video poker play fresh and exciting

When playing video poker in a casino environment becomes too routine, there are several things a player can do to spice up the experience. 

  • Take regular breaks. They do not have to be long. Simply get up and walk around the casino for a bit. Better yet, go outside to walk around. The fresh air and (possibly) sunlight can do wonders to restore the emotional juices.
  • Do not play at a constant speed. Periodically try to play a little faster or a little slower for a short while. It does not have to be much and the player should never try to push playing speed so far that mistakes are made. Vary the speed just enough to break the usual rhythm of play.
  • Set benchmarks for stopping play on the current game or machine – for example, when the machine credit total hits a certain low point. When that happens purposely switch games on the machine you are currently playing to another game you know.
  • Alternatively, move to another machine that has the same game (and pay table) that is currently being played. Switching games or machines will change the environment just enough help keep the interest piqued.
  • Make sure to enter any special events being offered. These can be considered (and, in reality, are) a casino bonus. They will also help spice up the experience – usually at no additional cost.  

Consider playing a completely different game while at the casino. They may not spice up video poker play, but they can spice up the casino experience when the main activity is playing video poker:

  • Play blackjack. Learn blackjack strategy. Practice a little at home until you become comfortable with it. Play short sessions at table minimum. Do not worry too much about having the strategy memorized, most casinos allow blackjack players to refer to cards that help. In fact, many casinos even sell these cards in their gift shops.
  • Learn how to play roulette. The game can seem complicated, and there is a little bit of table etiquette that should be learned and practiced. Possibly search for a roulette strategy, though just looking for general betting advice should be enough. Again, play short sessions at table minimum. 

The whole idea is to change things up a bit to spice up the overall casino experience.


Players who spend too much time playing video poker in a casino can begin to lose the feeling of excitement they once felt. Over time this can lead to reduced enjoyment and returns.

There are several things a player can do to spice up the experience. They include:

  • Taking breaks to walk around and get the juices flowing.
  • Varying the speed of play slightly – just enough to break the routine.
  • Periodically switching video poker games or machines to mix it up a bit.
  • Playing some of the other low limit games available such as blackjack or roulette. Again, this is to mix it up to increase the excitement.

The reader may not be experiencing what the target audience of this article is, but it is good to be alert that it might happen and know what can be done about the situation. 

Jerry “Stickman” has been involved in casino gambling for nearly 30 years. He is an expert in blackjack, craps, video poker and advantage slot machine play. He started playing blackjack in the late ‘80s, learned several card counting systems and used these skills to become an advantage blackjack player and overall winner of this game. He also acquired the skills necessary to become an overall winner in the game of craps, accomplishing this by a combination of throwing skill and proper betting techniques. Stich is also an overall winner playing video poker.