

Where are you from and what do you enjoy most about your home country?
I am from the beautiful country of Germany. The area I am from is the home of Christmas and therefore I am a total Crimbo-Nutter! It’s my absolute favourite time of the year. I have lived away for 14 years now, but I still remember the excitement of when the snow started to fall.

What are your interests and hobbies?
I am an outdoor fan who loves hiking and biking and just generally being with friends and family. I am not a city girl and enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside.

Who would your ideal dinner date be and why?
As I am a very sociable person, I would love to have a big dinner with my closest family and friends. That would be the best dinner ever (and of course the food has to be amazing too!).

If you could only bring 3 things to a desert island what would they be?
A knife, string and a strong plastic sheet. Hunt, make fire and collect water. I think I’ve seen too many 'surviving in the wilderness' movies…

What’s your star sign and which characteristic is most applicable to you and why?
Taurus. The characteristics which are most applicable to me are definitely being very friendly and patient but once I am done being patient… duck for cover! Definitely hard-headed and opinionated but very fair.

What’s your motto and why?
I think I will have to go with the one that influenced me and kept me going through tough times. 'She believed she could – so she did!'

Other than your own native tongue, what is your favorite language and why?
French – I wish I could speak it. It just sounds amazing when I hear it.

What is your most embarrassing office moment?
I don’t do embarrassing. J

Which 'super power' would you most like to have and why?
I’d love invisibility – and also to turn visible again of course. How convenient would that be! Just imagine the possibilities! OK, I’m turning into a villain here… thank god I’m 'just normal'!

If you could travel to the past just once, when and where would you go and why?
That’s evil! Just once is hard! There are so many times I would love to visit. And why only into the past? Well, OK. If only once, I would be selfish and go back in time with the current knowledge and invest in companies I know are doing great and place winning bets to make a fortune! $$$

Which animal most sums up your personality and why?
A cat I guess (I also have two). Independent, snuggly, feisty and I love sleeping!