Sean Chaffin

Sean Chaffin is a full-time freelance writer based in Ruidoso, New Mexico. He covers poker, gambling, the casino industry, and numerous other topics. Follow him on Twitter at @PokerTraditions and email him at

Sean Chaffin 's Articles

There’s nothing quite like rolling the dice at the craps table. There are plenty of cheers and high-fives as players watch those cubes tumble down the table and hopefully hit a much-needed point number. The chips move about the table at a fast pace as dealers pay off winners and collect losing wagers.

The dice are tumbling and there are plenty of high fives as the shooter hits yet another point number. Players scramble to place their bets for the next roll at the bustling, high-energy table. In a few minutes those dice will be moving again.

The horses head down the stretch and the excitement builds. Fans leap to their feet and cheer on their jockeys. Within a few minutes the horses race across the finish line. Some bettors celebrate and others are disappointed with the results.