Frank Scoblete
's Articles
You know it, I know it: the casino has an edge on every bet. Except for the few advantage players who are, today, more like dust in a wind storm of the desert.
There are things you should do in a casino and there are things you shouldn’t do. Some of these are simply decorum issues, some have to do with the rules of the particular game you are playing. I think the key words here are “don’t be offensive.”
Many athletes know about this phenomenon. It’s called “flop sweat” and it occurs when you are down and out and feeling oh so miserable, usually because of what just happened to you in a game or some form of intense competition.
Take a relaxing walking trip around the casino. Come on, this won’t take too long I promise you.
Do you want to know how the casinos get their edges over the players? This short answer is sufficient to fully explain the matter. Here it is: more money goes into the casinos then comes out of the casinos. Correct. You really don’t need a more detailed explanation than that.
I am going way, way back to a time when there were candy stores just for kids.